Examine the latest industry news and insights from the Numed experts.

The Role of a Health Physicist in Diagnostic Imaging

To run a successful diagnostic imaging company, you need to rely heavily on the collaboration and dedication of a variety of staff members. A health physicist is one part of that ecosystem. As a health physicist, my main responsibility is...

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A Message to Our Customers

Numed is committed to providing the highest level of service to our customers. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are taking measures to ensure that our customers, patients and employees health and safety is of primary concern. We...

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Medical Device Security in an Increasingly Connected World

One area of diagnostic imaging that has emerged in recent years and very few have the technical expertise with is cybersecurity. Security threats in the medical community are growing in frequency and severity. And as technology becomes...

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Nuclear Medicine: What You Need To Know

There are many different modalities of diagnostic imaging – from MRI to CT. But there’s one area we often get asked about that sounds different and distinct from the other modalities – and one we specialize in. Nuclear medicine is a...

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Maximizing Value With Diagnostic Imaging

In medical imaging, determining value is not always a straight line. It feels as though every day new machinery and medical advancements are announced, and it can be difficult determining what will have lasting value and what is just a fad...

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